NFU cordially invite all members to the General Assembly 2018, November 8

Dear NFU members,

We wish to welcome you for the annual general assembly meeting on the 8th November in connection to the VID/NFU seminar: “The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Critical Role of Development Research”

We will meet right after the conference program finishes, at 5 pm, Diakonveien 14, room AU 17. Please find the tentative program below.

With falling membership numbers and limited funding opportunities for development research, we invite you all especially to contribute to the debate on discussing the future of NFU and partners in light of these difficulties and hopefully find good solutions to many more years of support to development-related networks and research communication.

Tentative program:

1. Constitute meeting and approve agenda

  • Election of General Assembly Chair and two reporters
  • Approval of agenda

2. NFU Annual Report 2018
3. Annual plan and budget for 2019
4. Board changes
5. Debate: What is the future of NFU?
6. Incoming business


Randi Solhjell
Chair, NFU
+4799233831 /

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Critical Role of Development Research, 8 November 2018 in Oslo

Together with VID Specialized University, we have the pleasure of inviting you to the NFU seminar “The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Critical Role of Development Research” 8 November 2018 in Oslo.

The seminar combines panel and workshop sessions in order to provide debates as well as presentation and feedback on your research in smaller workshop groups. Here is the link to the updated seminar program and registration:
(For registration, click the “påmelding”-button).

The deadline for submitting a paper is October 25th, 2018.

Note that the NFU seminar is also the “fagdag” for the Justice Conference Norway, that will take place on November 9 (at Sentralen). Those who want to register for both November 8 and 9 – OR for the whole 5 ECTS course at VID  ( have to register before November 1st. Submissions of abstracts has an extended deadline: October 25th!

Here is a link to the Facebook event: Please help spread the invitation!

The location of the seminar will take place at VID, Diakonveien 14 ( 

We hope to see many of you there!

The seminar is organized by:






The seminar is the “fagdag” of Justice Conference Norway, which takes place November 9 (

FAU invites to their annual conference: A New Order for Development – State, Market or both?


After decades of state retrenchment and market expansions, the question remains whether there is still a role to play for state provision of welfare in developing countries? FAU will take up the tradition of informal, in-depth discussions among researchers, lecturers, practitioners and students in the tranquil surroundings of rural Djursland.

Download the program here: FAU Conference 29-31 August 2018 flyer









The Association of Development Researchers in Denmark (FAU) invites to: FAU Seminar April 12-14, 2018

A New Order for Development – State, Market or both?

For most updated information, and prelimiary program:

Are Brexit, Trump, and the rise of nationalist parties and authoritarianism in many countries within the past 5 years signs of an emerging new order of development?

This is the topic of a 3-day seminar for development researchers, practitioners and students. The format of the seminar provides a rare opportunity to engage in more in-depth, interdisciplinary and direct discussions than is normally the case. It takes place in the tranquil surroundings of rural
Djursland and emphasizes informal interaction between international and Danish speakers and participants.

International scholars (Dirk Willem te Velde, ODI; and Olle Törnquist, UiO) will give plenary input while groups of committed scholars from different institutions convene the two workshops (1. The Private Sector and Financing the SDGs, and 2. Does the State still have a Role as Welfare Provider in Developing Countries?).

Through these debates, the seminar will address:
1. What do these changes mean for the global role of dominant powers and marginalized
regions in the south and elsewhere?
2. How have these changes affected development research and development programs and
projects as we have known them and what can we expect in the future?
3. To what extent are these changes part of larger trends of affecting states, markets, civil
societies and their interaction?

We thereby hope to address the challenges and opportunities of a possible new order of development especially issues of how and whom to finance, deliver and decide over growth and welfare. See the preliminary conference program below.

Dirk Willem te Velde is a Principal Research Fellow and head of the International Economic Development Group at Overseas Development Institute (ODI). He has worked on a number of themes relating to the private sector in development, state-business relations and more (read
more here: Olle Törnquist is Professor of Political Science at University of Oslo (UiO), Norway. He has worked on democracy and popular movements in developing countries, particular in Asia for many years (read more here:

Workshop 1 on ‘The Private Sector and Financing the SDGs’ is convened by: Lars Engberg-Pedersen, Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS), Søren Jeppesen, Copenhagen Business School (CBS), and Michael Wendelboe Hansen, CBS. (See detailed workshop program below)

Workshop 2 on ‘Does the State still have a Role as Welfare Provider in Developing Countries?’ is
convened by: Aase Mygind Madsen (VIA), and Martin Hvidt, University of Southern Denmark.

Participants interested in presenting a paper in the workshops are kindly requested to contact the conveners (see names and emails below).
Registration & Fees: Registration takes place in two steps; a) an email to the FAU Assistant ( including full name, name of institution, choice of workshop (1 or 2), and dietary requirements, if any, and b) payment of the registration fee (see the categories below) to the FAU bank account at: Danske Bank, SWIFT-code: DABADKKK; Registration-number: 1551; account-number 1651161. IBAN: DK143000-0001651161.

Only when the payment is registered, is the registration complete.

The deadline for registration is Wednesday 28 March 2018.

The participants’ fees covering full board during the seminar from Thursday 12th in the afternoonto Saturday 14 th at lunchtime and lodging. The fees are as follows:
– Students (Master and PhD): DKK 450/Euros 60 (if members of FAU. See fees below).
– Members of FAU: DKK 1400/Euros 200
– Non-members of FAU: DKK 2000/Euros 300
– Non-members can save a considerable amount by joining FAU, and thereby also enjoy the benefits of FAU membership:
– FAU Membership fees (annual): a) Students & Unemployed: 175 DKK/Euros 25, b) Ordinary members: 250 DKK/Euros 30, c) Family members: 300 DKK/Euros 40, and d) Institutions and organizations: 750 DKK/Euros 100. You can join FAU by emailing the FAU Assistant
( and pay the required membership fee into the FAU bank account (see above).

The venue:
The Djursvold Hostel, Gjerrild is situated at Dyrehavevej 9, Gjerrild, 8500 Grenaa. Accommodation will be in rooms with 2-4 persons. The buildings used to host the local railway station are located close to the sea and various local attractions. See more at:

Please note that participants are to arrange transport to and from the venue and cover the expenses of this.
Mark the dates (12-14 April 2018) and Join us at Djursvold!
See the preliminary conference program and the workshop programs below; Follow the updates on

EADi Panel at World Social Science Forum: Call for Papers

Special announcement: Calls for Papers

EADI Panel at World Social Science Forum, 25-28 Sep, Fukuoka, Japan

Our panel is entitled “Development Studies and Knowledge Production – Which Way? In search of a transdisciplinary and transformative (research) agenda on equality”. The Call for Papers is open until 17 March.
EADI Panel at Development Research Conference 2018, 22-23 August, Gothenburg

In collaboration with the EADI Working Group on “Post-/Decolonial Perspectives on Development”, EADI organises a panel titled “Rethinking Development Research: objects and subjects in development studies”. The Call for Papers is open until 23 February.

All interested researchers are invited to submit an abstract.

Do as your colleague, pay your NFU membership!

Dear NFU member,

We would like to thank you for being a member of The Norwegian Association for Development Research (NFU). Your membership is important, and it enables us to carry out and coordinate the work we do. We look back at the EADI Nordic conference successfully held in Bergen last summer, and we are now working to strengthen the Nordic connections and to secure a new cycle of Nordic conferences from 2019 onwards. Here is a list of all our past conferences:  Past NFU events

Please find the payment details for your membership fee 2018 below.

NFU was founded in 1983 and has since then worked to connect Norwegian development research communities. We have been a longstanding member of the the EADI (a network of 150 institutes in Europe), and also work working closer with the Nordic associations FAU (Denmark), FSDR (Finland), and Swedish research institutes.

The current NFU board consists of representatives across Norway; UiA, HVL, UiT, NTNU, Fafo, SUM, PHS and Noragric. More details about the board 2018 here:

In addition to supporting for a long standing development research association in Norway, here are some membership benefits:
– You receive newsletters about conferences, seminars and other important issues regarding development research
– Reduced prices to our conferences
– You receive a hard copy of Forum for Development Studies. To get the most out of your subscription we advice you to pay the membership fee at the beginning of the year. Routledge usually sends out the first issue in February, second in May, and last issue in October. If you have changed your postal address, or seem to not receive Forum regardless of having paid your membership, please contact our NFU coordinator:

Paying your membership fee
Many researchers get their NFU membership covered by their institutions. Ask if your department does so too! NB: It is important to state your name upon payment! If you have changed your postal address, also let the coordinator know (


Please register your name upon payment.

Membership fees 2018

Full membership/international membership: NOK490
Student membership/retired persons membership: NOK250

The membership fee is payable to account no. 0540 08 76225
Remember to state your name upon payment.

Welcome to the NFU General Assembly 2017

The general assembly takes place Tuesday, 12 Dec, from 16.00-18.00. The location is Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), C. J. Hambros plass 2, 0164 Oslo. 

Your participation and input to NFU is welcome!

The NFU Annual Report 2017 is to be found here: Annual-report-NFU-2017.

There is an event organized by the TaxCapDev Network going on at NUPI before our general assembly, called “Many Ways to Lose a Billion: Extractive Sector Revenue Loss in Africa”.

President and founder of Resources for Development Consluting, Don Hubert, visits NUPI for the occasion.

The event has a waiting list, so if you wish to attend it remember to register using the link below:


Veier ut av fattigdom – Hva bør Norges bidrag være?

Frokostseminar i Oslo, 8. november 2017, klokka 0800-0930.
“Øyvind Eggen i Civita innleder om hovedlinjene fra rapporten «Veier ut av fattigdom», og peker på hva Norges bidrag bør være. Kjell Roland i Norfund vil deretter ha en kort innledning og kommentar til rapporten en samtale mellom disse to, ledet av Nikolai Hegertun fra Civita.”

Les mer her:

Open call for NFU conference 2018

Norwegian research institutions are invited to arrange the biennial NFU conference in late 2018 (Oct-Dec).

Norsk Forening for Utviklingsforskning (the Norwegian Association for Development Research – NFU) arranges the national conference in close cooperation with the host institution. In addition to the national conferences, NFU co-organize Nordic conferences in cooperation with sister institutions in our neighboring countries.

We encourage interested research communities and institutions to take on the responsibility to arrange the national NFU conference 2018 and write a short concept note (1-2 pages) on conference topic and potential sub-topics, by 10 December 2017 to the NFU board at The NFU board will respond shortly thereafter. Call for working groups and papers could be circulated in in January-February 2018.
NFU will assist in planning and arranging the conference.

For enquiries, please contact, or NFU chair Erlend Eidsvik at

The last NFU conferences have focused on the following overarching topics:

2017 – Globalisation at the Crossroads. Rethinking Inequalities and Boundaries. Arranged by NFU, EADI, University of Bergen and CMI, Bergen 20-23 August 2017

2016 – Beyond North and South: Constructing Global Governance for the 21st Century. Organised by SUM – Centre for Development and the Environment, University of Oslo.

2015 – A Changing Global Development Agenda? ’Organised by School of Global Studies (SGS), University of Gothenburg, at the Conference Center Wallenberg in Gothenburg 5-6 November 2015.

2014 – On Whose Terms? Communication, Collaboration and Power in Development Research arranged at The Arctic University of Norway UiT in Tromsø,
1-2 October 2014.

2013 – Rethinking Responsibility in Development: Contested Relations between Citizens, States and Corporations co-organized with Nordic partners, held at the University of Helsinki, 12-13 February 2013.

2012 – Development for a Finite Planet: Grassroot Perspectives and Responses to Climate Change, Resources Extraction and Economic Development jointly organised by the Centre for International Climate and Environmental Research-Oslo (CICERO) and Noragric/Norwegian University of Life Sciences, held at CIENS, 26-27 November 2012.

2011 – Future of Development Research: Exploring the Nordic perspective(s)?, with sister Nordic Development Research Associations, institutions and organisations. Copenhagen Business School, 24-25 November 2011.

2010 – Rethinking crises. Vulnerability, Community and State in Development Research, MF Norwegian School of Theology, Diakonhjemmet University College, and Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research, Oslo, 25-26 November 2010.

2009 – The New Global Setting: Development Challenges and Alternatives, University of Agder, Kristiansand, 23-24 November 2009.

For the full list since 1984, please see:

Call for sessions: Development Days Conference 2018, Helsinki

The Politics of Sustainability

When: February 15th-16th, 2018
Where: House of Sciences and Letters (Tieteidentalo), Helsinki, Finland
Organized by: The Finnish Society for Development Research

Important deadlines:
20 Oct 2017:
Deadline for Working Group proposals
30 Oct 2017: Call for Papers sent out
30 Nov 2017: Deadline for Paper/presentation abstracts
15 Dec 2017: Notification of accepted Paper abstracts
15 Dec 2017: Registration begins
12 Feb 2018: Registration ends
14 Feb 2018: Pre-conference workshop
15-16 Feb 2018: Development Days Conference

Read more on the conference website: