Open Call: Call for Paper Proposals – NorDev 2023

The 7th Nordic Development Research Conference 2023 has an open call for paper proposals.

The main theme of the conference is “Co-creation for transition towards a sustainable society” and it will take place in Uppsala, Sweden in August 21-23. The conference is being organized by Uppsala University and the Swedish Development Research Network.

The deadline to submit paper proposals is on March 1st, 2023.

For more information, follow the link below:

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Open Call: Call For Panels NALAS Conference 2023

The Nalas Conference 2023 has an open call for panel proposals. The Conference has an overall theme of “Islands, borders, archipelagos”.

The Conference will be held in Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge, Campus Drammen in June 15-16th of 2023 and is the Norwegian Associations of Latin American Studies (NALAS) in collaboration with the University of South-Eastern Norway.

Deadline to submit proposals is on December 31st of 2022.

For more information, follow the link below:

An aerial shot of an island

Open Call: NorDev2023 – Panel Proposal and Themes for Workshops

The Nordic Development Conference 2023 has an open call for suggestions of panel proposals and themes for workshops. The Conference has an overall theme of “Co-creation for a just transition towards a sustainable society”.

The Conference will be held in Uppsala University in Sweden from August 21st to August 23rd of 2023 and is being organized by Uppsala University and the Swedish Development Research Organization (SweDev).

Deadline to submit proposals is on December 20th of 2022.

More information regarding the submission process can be found on the link below:

Image by wirestock on Freepik

Call for Papers: Annual Conference of the Finnish Society for Development Research

The conference: Conflicts and Development Revisited – Prospects for Peace in Times of Emergency, has an open call for papers.

The Conference will take place on February 16th and 17th of 2023, in the House of Science and Letters in Helsinki.

Deadline for subsmission of paper abstracts or expressions of interesent is on November 20th of 2022.

More information can be found on the link below:

Image by Racool_studio on Freepik

Open Call: Call for Abstracts – EADI Conference

The European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes has an open call for abstracts for the upcoming conference to be held in Lisbon – Portugal. The conference will take place between July 10th and 13th of 2023.

As of now there are two options to submit abstracts: seed panels and harvest panels.
Seeds panels will cover work in progresses and innovative ideas and do not require a full paper.
Harvest panels cover full papers and results.

The deadline for submission is 18th of December of 2022.

More information can be found on the following link:

On The NorDev Conference

The 6th joint Nordic Development Research conference entitled “Development, Learning and Education: Post-pandemic Considerations” will take place June 21-22, 2021. It will be held at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland and/or virtual conference if pandemic situation so requires.

The conference welcomes development scholars to reflect on questions related to development, learning and education from multiple and multidisciplinary perspectives. The plenary sessions focus on the conference theme. The working groups coordinated by scholars can cover a wide variety of topics relevant to current development research in order to support mutual learning within development research community.

The conference is organized jointly by the Finnish Society for Development Research, the Danish Association of Development Researchers in Denmark, the Norwegian Association For Development Research, and the Swedish Development Research Network.

For more information and submission of working groups, please see

Open Call For NFU Conference 2020

Norwegian research institutions and universities are invited to arrange the biennial NFU conference in fall 2020 (August-November).

Norsk Forening for Utviklingsforskning, the Norwegian Association for Development Research (NFU), arranges the national conference in close cooperation with the host institution. On average, this conference has approximately 150 participants and is a two-days event, including 30-50 presenters. In addition to the national conferences, NFU co-organize Nordic conferences in cooperation with sister institutions in our neighbouring countries. We also have three permanent panels (2019-2021) to ensure dedication and continuation on key topics, please see

We encourage interested research communities and institutions to submit a proposal to host the national NFU conference 2020 and write a short concept note (1-2 pages) on conference topic and potential sub-topics, by 15 December 2019 to the NFU board at The NFU board will respond shortly thereafter. Call for working groups and papers could be circulated in in January-February 2020.

The host institution are encouraged to submit a proposal within their interest field, which may include but are not limited to topics such as decolonization debates, global environment challenges and political ecology, future of development research, the sustainable development goals, and/or (new) actors in international development.

NFU will assist in planning, applying for funding through the Norwegian Research Council and arranging the conference.

For enquiries, please contact, or NFU chair Randi Solhjell at

Continue reading “Open Call For NFU Conference 2020”

Joint Nordic Conference on Development Research 2019

The 5th Joint Nordic Conference on Development Research that NFU co-organized with our sister institutions (Denmark’s FAU, Finland’s FSDR, and Swedish’s SDSN) on 27 and 28 June 2019 has been successfully implemented. The conference was hosted by the Copenhagen Business School and attended by more than 150 participants from across the globe.

The conference titled “Knowledge Production in North-South Collaboration: Challenges in an Era of New Global Divides” had 2 keynote speakers. The first one was delivered by Prof. Gurminder Bhambra, Professor of Postcolonial and Decolonial Studies in the School of Global Studies, University of Sussex titled “Neoliberal Inequalities and Colonial Histories: Knowledge Production, Borders, and Reparations”. And the second one was delivered by Melissa Leach, Director of the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) at the University of Sussex titled “Addressing Global Challenges Through Engaged Excellence: Pathways and Roadblocks”.

Following each of the keynote speeches, 13 interesting panels were held in the span of the two days: “The SDGs in a North-South Comparative Perspective”, “Perspectives on Research Capacity Building and Research Partnerships in and with the South?”, “An Emerging Field of Knowledge: Business and Development Studies?”, “Religion and Development”, “Exploring the Potential of the Civic Space Concept”, “Development Regionalism in the Global South: Return of Sovereignty?”, “Beyond Old and New Divisions: Informal and Precarious Work in the North and South”, “Capacity Development as Knowledge Production for Efficiency, Safety, and Digitalization at Tema Port, Ghana”, “Building Research Partnerships for Quality and Equity in Eritrean Education”, “Challenging Actors in International Development”, “Social and Environmental Challenges in the South”, “Gender Equality and Sustainable Development”, and “Political Ecology: Politics, Power, and Environmental Change”.

In addition to the keynote speeches and panels, there were also a plenary session on “Agency in a Changing World of Development”, a (pre)book launch on “Business and Development”, Danida alumni prize and the launch of their retrospective study, discussion/conversations at the EADI Roundtable: Development Studies in the New Millenium, and last but not least, closing session on “Knowledge Production in North-South Relations: Experiences and Practices from the Perspectives of Nordic Aid Agencies”.

We are very delighted to see very insightful and interesting conference this year and would like to thank all speakers, panels, paper presenters, moderators, and NFU members for this successful turnout of event.

The special issue of Forum for Development Studies on this theme will be published soon.

Here’s a glimpse of it for those of you who unfortunately couldn’t make it this year. 😊

Citizen Initiatives: Change Makers for the SDGs?

On Thursday 20 and Friday 21 juni
ENABEL Conference Center, Brussels

The Sustainable Development Goals aim to leave no one behind but reaching these global goals is also everyone’s business… or are they some people’s business more than other’s? How can we value our participation in Agenda 2030?

This two day network conference sheds lights on the role of a little exposed player in the SDG agenda: ‘ordinary’ people involved in North-South cooperation, the so-called ‘citizen initiatives for global solidarity’. The conference starts from the finding that many European citizens are involved in cross border partnerships for international solidarity.

From different contexts and disciplines we will question the role of cross border citizen’s initiatives in reaching the sustainable development goals and discover some tools to help them value their activities. Continue reading “Citizen Initiatives: Change Makers for the SDGs?”