Open Call: NorDev2023 – Panel Proposal and Themes for Workshops

The Nordic Development Conference 2023 has an open call for suggestions of panel proposals and themes for workshops. The Conference has an overall theme of “Co-creation for a just transition towards a sustainable society”.

The Conference will be held in Uppsala University in Sweden from August 21st to August 23rd of 2023 and is being organized by Uppsala University and the Swedish Development Research Organization (SweDev).

Deadline to submit proposals is on December 20th of 2022.

More information regarding the submission process can be found on the link below:

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Open Call: Course for PhD Students

The Department of Sociology and Human Geography at the University of Oslo has an upcoming course in the Spring of 2023 for PhD Students.

The course is called: “Emancipating knowledges and socionatures: anticolonialism and decolonisation debates” and it will discuss the emergence of voices from around the world requesting a decolonization of practices and scholarship.

The course will occur from May 8th to 12th of 2013.

Deadline to apply for the course is March 1st of 2023. More information can be found on the link below:

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Call for Papers: Annual Conference of the Finnish Society for Development Research

The conference: Conflicts and Development Revisited – Prospects for Peace in Times of Emergency, has an open call for papers.

The Conference will take place on February 16th and 17th of 2023, in the House of Science and Letters in Helsinki.

Deadline for subsmission of paper abstracts or expressions of interesent is on November 20th of 2022.

More information can be found on the link below:

Image by Racool_studio on Freepik

Open Positions at NMBU

NMBU currently has three open positions within International Environment and Development Studies. Two positions are for researchers and one for a PhD candidate.

All positions have a deadline on November 30th of 2022.

To learn more about the positions, follow the links below:

Researcher within International Environment and Development Studies – Land Use Conflicts in the Sahel (234950) | Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) (

Researcher within International Environment and Development Studies – Migration from West Africa (234954) | Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) (

PhD within International Environment and Development Studies – Violent Resistance and Land Governance in the Sahel (234930) | Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) (

Image by Freepik

Workshop: Norway as a Key Actor in Community-Oriented Policing in Post-Conflict Police Reform

The Center for Community-Oriented Policing and Post-Conflict Police Reform is proud to invite all to the workshop “Norway as a Key Actor in Community-Oriented Policing in Post-Conflict Police Reform” to take place on November 22nd of 2022.
The workshop will last half a day and be held at the Norwegian Police University College.

For more information, please refer to the document below:

Open Call: Call for Abstracts – EADI Conference

The European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes has an open call for abstracts for the upcoming conference to be held in Lisbon – Portugal. The conference will take place between July 10th and 13th of 2023.

As of now there are two options to submit abstracts: seed panels and harvest panels.
Seeds panels will cover work in progresses and innovative ideas and do not require a full paper.
Harvest panels cover full papers and results.

The deadline for submission is 18th of December of 2022.

More information can be found on the following link:

Seminar: The Global Backlash Against Gender Equality

NFU would like to invite all to attend the seminar: The Global Backlash Against Gender Equality to take place on October 10th.

The seminar is a cooperation between NFU, the Department of Global Development and Planning at UiA and The Strømme Foundation.

The event will have a hybrid format and it is possible to attend it in Kristiansand or online. For those attending it in Kristiansand, lunch will be provided.

Registration is required for both online and physical options and is available through the following link:

Development, Learning and Education: Post-pandemic Considerations

The 6th joint Nordic Development Research Conference, June 21-22, 2021, ONLINE, by  the University of Jyväskylä, Finland

Call for papers for 15 exciting open working groups : DL 9th April 2021   

The conference invites abstracts for papers to be presented from development research scholars from every career stage. All abstracts should be submitted for consideration in the accepted working groups. The working group coordinators will evaluate them and make decisions on their acceptance/rejection. The authors are requested to indicate a primary and a secondary working group for which s/he wishes the paper to be considered. The abstract of maximum of 400 words should be submitted in English (or Spanish for the bilingual working group) latest on 9th April 2021. The decisions will be communicated by 30th April 2021.  The submission should be done through the conference system: find the abstract form here.  We do not accept abstracts submissions by email.   The authors are advised to have a close look at the available working groups before submission and relate their abstract with the overall theme of the working group. All the working groups will be conducted online. Please see the detailed descriptions of working groups here. The journal Forum for Development Studies will publish a Special Issue on the best papers of the conference. The special issue will be guest edited by selected members of the organizing committee, who will do the initial selection for the papers to be included and provide one round of editorial comments during August-October before authors’ submissions for the final blind review process. If you would like your paper to be considered for the special issue, please send you conference paper no later than 25th June in the conference email Please indicate “FDS special issue” in the subject field of your email.

NFU General Assembly

Dear NFU members,

We would like to remind you and share the meeting link for our virtual General Assembly 2020-2021. We have already emailed the link to the members. However, many of the emails have bounced back. If you have not received the email, you can fill in your working/updated email address on the form below so that we can send you the meeting link again.


  1. Constitute meeting and approve agenda
    1. Election of General Assembly Chair and two reporters
    2. Approval of agenda
  2. Board changes
  3. NFU Annual Report 2020
  4. Annual plan and budget for 2021
  5. Master thesis award
  6. Debate: NFU strategic planning for development research
  7. Incoming business

We look forward to seeing you.