NorDev 2025, 24-26 September 2025 – Save the date

The eight joint Development Research Conference NorDev 2025 will be hosted by NMBU (Norwegian University of Life Sciences) and NFU (Norwegian Association for Development Research) 24-26 September 2025. The theme of the NorDev2025 Conference is “Solidarity, social justice and sustainability: Nurturing academic-civic solidarity, fostering social justice, and cultivating collaborations in an era of uncertainty”. The conference will gather researchers, students, policy makers and civil society actors from the Nordic counties and from other parts of the world, to discuss key global developments. The Nordic associations for global development research have a long-standing and established cooperation and co-organized NorDev Conferences since 2011. More information will come.

Event: Debate

What world of possibilities?

In the autumn of 2020 – while the pandemic was still raging – the Storting’s report on student mobility called “A world of opportunities” came out. The foreword to the message states: “Spring 2020 has clearly shown us how dependent we are on each other and how intertwined the world is. International cooperation and dialogue across national borders are prerequisites for being able to handle the major global social challenges the world is facing. Global challenges require global solutions.” Just over two years later, tuition fees were introduced for students from countries outside Europe and the result is markedly fewer international students at Norwegian universities. This is part of a larger picture where support for collaboration with higher education institutions and researchers in the global south is cut or reduced (e.g. NORGLOBAL and NORPART). What are the immediate consequences of this for the quality of education and research? Should we see these policy changes as something more than domestic education and research policy? What long-term consequences could this have for the labor market and Norway’s international relations? At Arendalsuka, we invite you to a discussion about who the Norwegian authorities have in mind when exchange and academic cooperation are to contribute to finding global solutions to global challenges.

Please click on the link bellow for more details:

Open Call to History NorDev2025

🌐 Exciting News: NorDev Conference 2025 🚀

Hey NorDev community! 🎉 We’ve got some thrilling news to share – the opportunity to host the NorDev Conference 2025 is knocking on your door!
NFU is looking for partners to host the Conference in Norway!

NFU meeting at NorDev 2023

Are you joining NorDev2023?

Make sure to book some time to join our informal meeting on the first day of the conference, August 21st.

The meeting will be at 16:30 in Sal XI and it’s a great opportunity to connect with other norwegian researchers and network.

You will also be able to learn more about NFU and provide valuable input into our organization.

We look forward to seeing you there!

For more information on the Conference programme, click here.

Image by Freepik

NorDev 2023: Registration is open

The 7th Nordic Development Research Conference 2023 is open for registration with reduced prices until 30th of April.

Prices for regular participants are as described below:

  • SEK 1,500 (1,875 incl VAT) – Until 30th of April
  • SEK 1,900 (2,375 incl VAT) – After 30th of April

It is also possible to register for a Conferecen Dinner with the cost of SEK 600 (750 incl VAT).

The Conference will be held in Uppsala from August 21st to August 23rd of 2023.

To register yourself, learn more about payment options and the conference, follow the link below:

Image by wavebreakmedia_micro on Freepik

Open Call: Call For Panels NALAS Conference 2023

The Nalas Conference 2023 has an open call for panel proposals. The Conference has an overall theme of “Islands, borders, archipelagos”.

The Conference will be held in Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge, Campus Drammen in June 15-16th of 2023 and is the Norwegian Associations of Latin American Studies (NALAS) in collaboration with the University of South-Eastern Norway.

Deadline to submit proposals is on December 31st of 2022.

For more information, follow the link below:

An aerial shot of an island

Open Call: NorDev2023 – Panel Proposal and Themes for Workshops

The Nordic Development Conference 2023 has an open call for suggestions of panel proposals and themes for workshops. The Conference has an overall theme of “Co-creation for a just transition towards a sustainable society”.

The Conference will be held in Uppsala University in Sweden from August 21st to August 23rd of 2023 and is being organized by Uppsala University and the Swedish Development Research Organization (SweDev).

Deadline to submit proposals is on December 20th of 2022.

More information regarding the submission process can be found on the link below:

Image by wirestock on Freepik

Call for Papers: Annual Conference of the Finnish Society for Development Research

The conference: Conflicts and Development Revisited – Prospects for Peace in Times of Emergency, has an open call for papers.

The Conference will take place on February 16th and 17th of 2023, in the House of Science and Letters in Helsinki.

Deadline for subsmission of paper abstracts or expressions of interesent is on November 20th of 2022.

More information can be found on the link below:

Image by Racool_studio on Freepik

Postponement of the 2020 NFU Conference

Due to Covid-19, the 2020 NFU Conference has been postponed. The NFU Conference “Planning for decolonization? Challenges, transitions, and transformations in global development and planning” will be organized in November/December 2022 at the University of Agder.

More information about the conference topic and updates can be found at the conference webpage: