Did you miss it? Watch the seminar: The Global Backlash Against Gender Equality

Last October 10th the seminar The Global Backlash Against Gender Equality that was jointly organized by NFU, the Department of Global Development and Planning at UiA and The Strømme Foundation took place in Kristiansand and through streaming. In front of a packed house, different guest lectures talked about the setback for gender equality globally the last 10-15 years.

If you missed and would like to watch it, follow the recording below:


If you wish to read a small summary of what happened, continue reading below.

Continue reading “Did you miss it? Watch the seminar: The Global Backlash Against Gender Equality”

Seminar: The Global Backlash Against Gender Equality

NFU would like to invite all to attend the seminar: The Global Backlash Against Gender Equality to take place on October 10th.

The seminar is a cooperation between NFU, the Department of Global Development and Planning at UiA and The Strømme Foundation.

The event will have a hybrid format and it is possible to attend it in Kristiansand or online. For those attending it in Kristiansand, lunch will be provided.

Registration is required for both online and physical options and is available through the following link:

NFU General Assembly 2019

All NFU members are cordially invited to the NFU General Assembly.

Date: 3 December 2019
Time: 4-6 PM
Place: Fafo, Borggata 2B, 0650, Oslo

1. Constitute meeting and approval of agenda
– Election of General Assembly Chair and two reporters
– Approval of agenda
2. Board changes
3. NFU annual report 2019
4. Annual plan and budget for 2020
5. Debate: NFU strategic planning for development research
6. Incoming business

Valerinne P. Hutagalung
NFU Coordinator

NFU cordially invite all members to the General Assembly 2018, November 8

Dear NFU members,

We wish to welcome you for the annual general assembly meeting on the 8th November in connection to the VID/NFU seminar: “The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Critical Role of Development Research” https://www.vid.no/arrangementer/sustainable-development-goals/

We will meet right after the conference program finishes, at 5 pm, Diakonveien 14, room AU 17. Please find the tentative program below.

With falling membership numbers and limited funding opportunities for development research, we invite you all especially to contribute to the debate on discussing the future of NFU and partners in light of these difficulties and hopefully find good solutions to many more years of support to development-related networks and research communication.

Tentative program:

1. Constitute meeting and approve agenda

  • Election of General Assembly Chair and two reporters
  • Approval of agenda

2. NFU Annual Report 2018
3. Annual plan and budget for 2019
4. Board changes
5. Debate: What is the future of NFU?
6. Incoming business


Randi Solhjell
Chair, NFU
+4799233831 / randisolhjell@gmail.com