Dear NorDev25 supporters and those who have expressed an interest in receiving updates.
Here comes an update on the timeline, planning and action items ahead for the 8th Nordic Development Research Conference!
The Call for Panel, and themes for workshops and other side events for NorDev25, which will be co-organised by NMBU and NFU and held at NMBU in Ås 24-26 September, will be announced on the NMBU conference webpage.
The conference themes “Solidarity, social justice and sustainability” are aimed at being broad and inclusive and are described more fully on the conference website. You are encouraged to start spreading the word about the conference in your networks to encourage as many relevant and high-quality panel and other submissions as possible and to get PhDs, young scholars and others thinking already now about possible abstract submissions in advance of the call for panels and other submissions, opening.
The timeline for submissions and other deadlines will be as follows:
- Call for panel, workshop and side-event proposals: Opens first week in December; closes Friday, January 24th
- Review of panel/workshop proposals with decisions communicated: Friday, January 31st (NMBU, NFU and Nordic Committee members) – calendar invites to block dates will follow*
- Call for abstracts opens: Monday, February 3rd
- Call for abstracts closes: Friday, March 7th
- Review of abstract submission by NMBU, NFU, Nordic Committee members: March 10-13th
- Decision on abstracts communicated: Friday, March 14th
- Early bird registration: Until ca. April 15th
- Deadline for full paper submissions to Forum for Development Studies: To be announced
As with previous NorDev conferences, there will be a possibility to publish papers presented at the conference in the Journal Forum for Development Studies.
NMBU and NFU are looking into supplementary funding avenues which will be specifically directed at covering costs for conference participants and keynote speakers from the Global South, but these funds are not guaranteed, and the moment, we are reliant on covering almost all of our costs via conference registration fees (which will be differentiated).
Ways that you can help us to support bringing more Global South scholars to the conference include:
· Organising a panel session and drawing on existing research, NORHED, PhD school, sustainability arena, and other funding to subsidize conference and travel fees for keynote speakers and Global South scholars in the panel to enable them to attend
· Organising planned project meetings that will take place in the Nordic countries in the days before and after the conference where possible, to economise on costs and emissions for scholars travelling internationally (i.e. start the planning now!)
· Looking into possibilities for additional funding for e.g. dissemination and travel activities connected to existing Research Council projects in your respective countries that could be devoted to e.g. funding “project dissemination panels” and/or similar outreach or societal engagement sessions
· Tip us about other possible sources of funding for organising high-level panels with Global South scholars and keynote speaker representation